Monday, June 6, 2011


Today I didn't get very domestic, just a loaf of banana bread. Maggie followed me around doing the sign for "more" and verbally saying, "mo, mo!" So I guess my half attempt at being somewhat creative turned successful for my biggest fan. It was raining for most of the day and we were feeling a little couped up so I loaded Mags into the car for a quick trip to Moscow. I ran out of hair gel this weekend and you who know me well know that I cannot survive without my gel. I just didn't want to hop onto the highway to town but find an alternative route via a dirt road. I found a great back road full of farms, rolling green hills, great vistas, gardens and beautiful homes. When I was in my early 20s I took drives all the time. Where ever I lived you would think I grew up there because I knew all those back roads so well. Now, as I drive home I pass so many great dirt roads and think to myself, "I have never been down that road and I've passed it 2 times a day for the past 3 years." Oh my 20 year old self would be so disappointed in me!
My goal this summer is take more aimless drives just for the heck of it.


  1. oh show me next time i come to visit! i love seeing the old farms.

  2. Kelsie - you have such an amazing sense of adventure. It's wonderful that Maggie is being taught the same. She too will be drawn to explore and delight in her world just like you do. Well done! Elk Mama

  3. Mom, you always leave the nicest comments! Thank you.
