Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm obsessed with our library

Typically when I go to the library I go to the new book section and find a book. If nothing looks appealing I go to the fiction section and continue my hunt. I never really looked anywhere else for any other kinds of reading material. And then it dawned on me to look outside of the fiction section. Now I come home with arm loads of goodies! Today I checked out: three cook books (one dedicated to only cakes, one for cookies and one for healthy slow cooker recipes, if that makes any sense), one book on how to make everyday household items homemade, 3 workout books to give me new ideas for my small circuit class that I teach, one exercise DVD, one for fun DVD, Chocolat, (Johnny Depp couldn't look any better than in this movie), and one book on tape, Life of Pi. No novels!

Do you have a good library? Have you checked out the NON-Fiction section?


  1. No, we don't have a good library and the one we have, we have to drive 22 miles to get to. Wish we had your resources - good for you to be taking advantage of your library.

  2. I Loooooove the non fiction section!! It is the best! Yesterday I got a chok book, a parenting book, a book on loving, eat your way to happiness, and the life you want!
