Monday, April 4, 2011


I've been thinking about our gardens this year. In previous years Cory and I have somewhat argued about what to put in our gardens. So this year we agreed that we each get one of the plots to grow whatever we want. Cory asked me what plot I wanted and I racked my brain trying to remember which one had the most morning glory. It's not that we have totally different views on gardening, we just have different opinions on what to grow. I want to plant veggies that last though the winter, Cory likes to plant a lot of tomato plants, I like to put a few flowers in my garden to keep the pests out, Cory likes to plant using the 3 sisters technique (which I like, but hate to harvest beans in the midst of corn because all of those itchy husk thingys always get down my shirt.) We like to garden together...but differently.

So this year I'm really trying to get more bang for my buck and we both agree that when we harvest our vegetables we need to actually dehydrate, can or freeze them before they go bad. Nothing is worse that regretting all the hard work you put into your garden by watching it rot or wither away.

So, in my plot I'm going to plant a few different varieties of potatoes. Side note: my mom's neighbor told me that I need to plant my potatoes on Good Friday and NEVER water them. Worth I try I guess, since I got this advise from a gardening master. Also, I'm going to plant a couple different squash plants. Another side note: I HATE to thin out my seedlings. I feel like I'm ripping a baby away from their mother. Ok, that was just a little dramatic, but I feel like those seedlings are so precious that I just can't bring myself to pull them out. But come August, I have squash taking over my garden so I know what I need to do this year, sniff, sniff. Also in my plot will be onions, a few different varieties, beans, Armenian cucumbers, if any of you want to taste the epitome of summer, plant Armenian cucumbers. You will not be sorry. Oh and I also want to plant some chard. I know I'm missing some vegetables, but it feels like my plot is already too full.

Well, as I look out the window I see two mud pits that I'm dying to get my hands into. I know it's way too early but the recent sunshine is beckoning me like a greek siren. It's playing tricks on me as we have months until we can really plant anything, besides my potatoes!

Do any of you out there have any fun advice/tid bits about when to plant certain vegetables? I love learning about them. Also, what are you planting in your gardens and what have you had the best luck with?