Monday, September 12, 2011

She is growing up

Just a sad moment for me as a mom. We always had a little snuggle time when Cory or I fed Maggie her nighttime bottle in the rocker. You are probably all rolling your eyes in disbelief, but yes, we still give Maggie a nighttime bottle. I am in no hurry to drop this special time of the night. She's still my baby. But I guess Maggie wants us to know she doesn't need it any more. She wants to sit ALONE in the rocker and drink her bottle and directs us to sit on the floor or on the chest. I guess I just have to sit in the dimly lit room and watch her grow up. I'm going to miss those nighttime snuggles.


  1. i know, so sad when they get more and more independent... but new things will pop up and be fun and sweet too!

  2. I know exactly what you grew up too you know (well, almost)
    Courage - Amy's right - every day brings something wondrous.
    Elk Mama
